The setRGB() method is used in action script 2 to set color properties to movie clips, but that method is no longer present action script 3. setRGB() functionality achieved in action script 3 using colorTransform class import flash.geom.ColorTransform Here is….. Read More >>>>
Recent versions of Flash player has stability and security issue with the Firefox real player down-loader plugin, that is the reason the Realplayer downloader plugin doesn’t work in the Firefox. It is very to fix that issue, just follow below….. Read More >>>>
Align Text in the TextField in ActionScript 3 little different than using ActionScript 2. Here is the list of samples to align text in the TextField using ActionScript 3. var txt:TextField= new TextField; txt.text=”happy morning”; txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; addChild(txt);….. Read More >>>>
The setTextFormat() method in actionScript 2 used to set the font properties to the text fields. example: var txt_format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();//TextFormat class creates new instances of it. this.createTextField(“txt_field”, this.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 180, 80);//creates new text field txt_format.color = 0x00FF00;….. Read More >>>>
In this tutorial we are going to connect SmartFox Server using Action Script 3 in Flash Builder 4.6. Mostly you won’t get action script 3 code to connect smartfox server, here i’ll provide action script 3 source code at end of….. Read More >>>>
Applying MXML skinclass at runtime increases your application attractiveness in the great way. In this tutorial I’m three files Gradient.mxml, VerticalSkin.mxml and EllipseSkin.mxml. Before Login After Login Step 1: To create new application New ->Flex project. Step 2: Then create skin class….. Read More >>>>