This is simple example how to use multi dimensional array in SmartFoxServer actionScript 3 API as well Java API. I am using actionScript 3 API on the client, on the server side I’m using Java API to get that value….. Read More >>>>
This is simple example how to use multi dimensional array in SmartFoxServer actionScript 3 API as well Java API. I am using actionScript 3 API on the client, on the server side I’m using Java API to get that value….. Read More >>>>
This is simple example how to use two dimensional array in SmartFoxServer actionScript 3 API as well Java API. I am using actionScript 3 API on the client, on the server side I’m using Java API to get that value….. Read More >>>>
In multi player gaming development there is requirement like custom user registration and custom user login which is some what tricky in smartfoxserver 2x or smartfoxserver pro. In smartfoxserver 2x for custom user registration and login, we need two zones for….. Read More >>>>
Mostly in games we have a requirement like to find rank’s of the player in the last week or month. In MySQL there is no default MySQL function to find out rank’s of the player from the player table. To….. Read More >>>>
Mostly in games we have requirement like information of player, those who are played in the last week. Here is the simple mysql query to check players who are played last week. We use simple mysql function to fetch result….. Read More >>>>
If I am go to search something on internet every-time using default search engine it gives some search results, but the results is not what I looked for. It makes me tired some times. So I always like to keep….. Read More >>>>