SmartFoxServer 2x Custom User Registration and Login
In multi player gaming development there is requirement like custom user registration and custom user login which is some what tricky in smartfoxserver 2x or smartfoxserver pro.
In smartfoxserver 2x for custom user registration and login, we need two zones for registration and login. One zone for user registration and another one for login.
Note: In smartfoxserver 2x or smartfoxserver pro if want to communicate with server we must logged in smartfoxserver. Only after successful login with server, user can send request as well get response from the server.
Step 1: We need create two zones (BasicExamples, muni) in smartfoxserver 2x using SmartFoxServer 2x admin tool.
Step 2: BasicExamples zone’s custom login property set to false, which is used for user registration purpose.

Step 3: muni zone’s custom login property set to true, which is used for custom user login purpose.

refer following URL for detailed zone configuration settings tutorial…….
Sample registration user interface with three textInput control with instance name of username, password and email respectively.

once you finished user interface design, name their instance name using property panel.
Client side action script 3 coding :
connect to smartfoxserver 2x from Flash professional 5.5 :
Note: before going to do Actionscript 3 coding in your Flash professional, please add smartfoxserver actionscript 3 client API (SFS2X_API_AS3). File -> ActionScript settings -> library path and browse SFS2X_API_AS3.swc file from the smartfoxserver client directory (C:\Program Files\SmartFoxServer2X\Client\ActionScript3).

import com.smartfoxserver.v2.SmartFox; import com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent; var sfs:SmartFox= new SmartFox(); sfs.connect("",9339); sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent.CONNECTION, onConnection); function onConnection(event:SFSEvent) { trace("connection success"); }
Initialize smartfoxserver main class SmartFox with name sfs and send connection request to the server using connect() method. If connection with server is success SFSEvent.CONNECTION event will occur that calls onConnection method, it print connection success message to output window.
Once connection is success with server, we need to login with smartfoxserver for user registration.
Logging in for user registration :
Declare task variable which keeps the name of the process. During user registration it has “register” string, while login it has “login” string.
var task=””;
Declare two variables zone1 and zone2, which both keeps the zone names.
var zone1=’BasicExamples’;
var zone2=’muni’;
Here sample code for user registration in client side :
When user clicks registration button it will call onBtConnectClick method, where we assign task variable with “register” string as well getting user name, password and email of the user. Once assignment is over, it calls loginHandler(task) method. During user registration process in loginHandler() function we will send login request to SmartfoxSever with no user name and password.
Note : when we send login request to the server with no user name and password, server will log you as a Guest user like Guest1, Guest2, Guest3 and etc………
register.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtConnectClick); private function onBtConnectClick(evt:Event):void { task='register'; user_name1=user_name.text; user_password=password.text; user_email=email.text; loginHandler(task); } private function loginHandler(task) { if(task=='register') { trace('register'); sfs1.send(new LoginRequest("", "", 'BasicExamples')); } else if(task=='login') { trace('login'); sfs1.send(new LoginRequest(user_name1, user_password, zone2)); } } private function onLogin(evt:SFSEvent):void { if(task=="register") { var params:ISFSObject = new SFSObject(); params.putUtfString('userName',user_name1); params.putUtfString("password", user_password); params.putUtfString("email", user_email); sfs1.send(new ExtensionRequest("register", params)); } else if(task=="login") { trace("Login successful!"); } }
Here sample code for user login in client side :
When user clicks login button it will call userLogin() method, where we assign task variable with “login” string as well getting user name, password of the user. Once assignment is over, it calls loginHandler(task) method. During user login process in loginHandler() function we will send login request to SmartfoxSever with user name and password.
login.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,userLogin); private function userLogin(event:MouseEvent):void { userName=user_name.text; userPass=password.text; task="login"; loginHandler(task); } private function loginHandler(task):void { if(task=='register') { sfs.send(new LoginRequest("","","BasicExamples")); } else if(task=='login') { trace("login request----------------------"); trace(userName); trace(userPass); sfs.send(new LoginRequest(userName,userPass,"muni")); } } private function onLogin(event:SFSEvent):void { if(task=='register') { trace("login success"); var param:SFSObject= new SFSObject(); param.putUtfString("name",userName); param.putUtfString("password",userPass); param.putUtfString("email",userEmail); sfs.send(new ExtensionRequest("register",param)); } else if(task=='login') { trace('user logged in successfully'); } }
Connect external MySQL database from SmartfoxServer 2X :
To connect SmartFoxSever with external database download MySQL JDBC connector from MySQL site. Now find mysql-connector-java-5.1.22-bin.jar from the downlaoded file and that jar to your SmartfoxServer library folder (C:\Program Files\SmartFoxServer2X\SFS2X\lib).
Now SmartfoxServer 2x admin tool, and launch zone configurator select the zone you want configure. Finally click on Database manager to enter JDBC driver details and database you created on the localhost of your system.
Database driver class :
connection string : jdbc:mysql://
Username : wkm
Password : wkm
Test SQL : SELECT * FROM login
Once you entered above details correctly, enter the submit button and restart the server.
Server side Java API coding :
Java extension file do all the custom logic on the server side. To write your first Java Server side extension follow the this tutorial on how to write java server side extension.
I am using Eclipse IDE to write SmartFoxServer 2x Java server side extension. I used three Java class file
1. WkmExtension class — this main java extension file
2. UserRegistrationHandler class — this registration handler class
3. LoginEventHandler class — this login handler class.
During user registration after successful login as Guest user, we will send Extension request from client side with userName, password and email to register a user in a database. where server side UserRegistrationHandler class gets the user name, password and email and updates those details in database as well sends success response to the client.
During login process we will send login request
sfs.send(new LoginRequest(userName,userPass,”muni”));
to the server with user name, password, where on the server addEventHandler
addEventHandler(SFSEventType.USER_LOGIN, LoginEventHandler.class);
receives user login request that calls LoginEventHandler class. So the LoginEventHandler class gets user name and password and does authentication process. Finally it sends login success or failure message to the client.
here is main extension class (
package; import com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEventType; import com.smartfoxserver.v2.extensions.SFSExtension; public class WkmExtension extends SFSExtension{ @Override public void init() { //Custom user registration request handler addRequestHandler("register", UserRegistrationHandler.class); //Login request Handler addEventHandler(SFSEventType.USER_LOGIN, LoginEventHandler.class); } @Override public void destroy() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.destroy(); } }
Here RegistrationHandler class (
package; import java.sql.SQLException; import com.smartfoxserver.v2.db.IDBManager; import com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.User; import; import; import com.smartfoxserver.v2.extensions.BaseClientRequestHandler; public class UserRegistrationHandler extends BaseClientRequestHandler { @Override public void handleClientRequest(User user, ISFSObject params) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub //Gets user sent parameters String name=params.getUtfString("name"); String password=params.getUtfString("password"); String email=params.getUtfString("email"); // Initialize IDBManager object IDBManager dbManager = getParentExtension().getParentZone().getDBManager(); // MySQL query to update user details String sql="INSERT into login(user_name, password, email) values ('"+name+"','"+password+"','"+email+"')"; try { // Excute MySQL query dbManager.executeUpdate(sql); } catch (SQLException e) { // Sends MySQL exception details to the client ISFSObject error= new SFSObject(); error.putUtfString("error", "MySQL updation failed"); send("register", error, user); } ISFSObject success= new SFSObject(); success.putUtfString("success", "User successfully registered"); send("register", success, user); } }
Login handler class (
package; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import com.smartfoxserver.bitswarm.sessions.ISession; import com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.ISFSEvent; import com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEventParam; import com.smartfoxserver.v2.db.IDBManager; import com.smartfoxserver.v2.exceptions.SFSErrorCode; import com.smartfoxserver.v2.exceptions.SFSErrorData; import com.smartfoxserver.v2.exceptions.SFSException; import com.smartfoxserver.v2.exceptions.SFSLoginException; import com.smartfoxserver.v2.extensions.BaseServerEventHandler; public class LoginEventHandler extends BaseServerEventHandler { @Override public void handleServerEvent(ISFSEvent event) throws SFSException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // Grab parameters from client request String userName = (String) event.getParameter(SFSEventParam.LOGIN_NAME); String cryptedPass = (String) event.getParameter(SFSEventParam.LOGIN_PASSWORD); ISession session = (ISession) event.getParameter(SFSEventParam.SESSION); // Get password from DB IDBManager dbManager = getParentExtension().getParentZone().getDBManager(); Connection connection; // Grab a connection from the DBManager connection pool try { connection = dbManager.getConnection(); // Build a prepared statement PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT user_name, password FROM login where user_name='"+userName+"'"); // Execute query ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery(); // Verify that one record was found if (!res.first()) { // This is the part that goes to the client SFSErrorData errData = new SFSErrorData(SFSErrorCode.LOGIN_BAD_USERNAME); errData.addParameter(userName); // Sends response if user gave incorrect user name throw new SFSLoginException("Bad user name: " + userName, errData); } String dbPword = res.getString("password"); // Verify the secure password if (!getApi().checkSecurePassword(session, dbPword, cryptedPass)) { SFSErrorData data = new SFSErrorData(SFSErrorCode.LOGIN_BAD_PASSWORD); data.addParameter(userName); // Sends response if user gave incorrect password throw new SFSLoginException("Login failed for user: " + userName, data); } } // User name was not found catch (SQLException e) { SFSErrorData errData = new SFSErrorData(SFSErrorCode.GENERIC_ERROR); errData.addParameter("SQL Error: " + e.getMessage()); // Sends response about mysql errors throw new SFSLoginException("A SQL Error occurred: " + e.getMessage(), errData); } } }
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