Webcam Script with photo editing & cropping using JavaScript HTML & PHP

Posted by & filed under JAVASCRIPT.

If you run a website user management system webcam script is a necessity for user. The traditional system asks the user to upload the picture to set as a profile picture. However capturing the users picture using a webcam comes as added advantage to the users and it becomes so easy for the user to capture his picture through webcam and set it as a profile picture.

Webcam Script with Photo Editing DEMO
Webcam Script with photo editing and cropping
In such cases this script comes in handy, You can integrate this along with your existing picture upload feature.

All content management systems requests the users picture as an image, however with advancement in UI technologies now it’s possible in all recent browsers. All social media platforms have this feature.

With this script you can capture the users picture using webcam and also basic picture editing controls.

You can give the user the control to crop the picture, You can also preset the crop aspect ratio according to your need in the JavaScript like portrait 4:3, horizontal 16:9 etc.

Along with cropping, you can add basic to advanced picture editing effects to captured picture using webcam.

Features of Webcam Script

  • It works on IE9+, Chrome, opera, firefox & safari. (Supports all major browsers)
  • Capture users picture using webcam
  • Front end is purely javascript & HTML, so you can work with android and ios apps also
  • Users have the control to crop the captured picture as a free crop or specs set by you. like 4:3, 16:9, portrait or horizontal etc.
  • Use picture effects like brightness, contrast, sharpness, hue, saturation, curves etc. There are plenty of picture editing effects not included in demo, you can add it as per your requirements from documentation
  • Send the edited image to server to save in file system, you can also choose to save in database.
  • Provide option for the user to download the edited image as jpeg.
  • You can choose the image format to be saved in server.

Webcam Script with Photo Editing DEMO
It’s going to save a lot of your time and give the users of your site an easy way to capture their picture

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Please feel free to contact me [at] muni2explore[at]

Note: But it will be charged based on your customization requirement

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