Smart Invoice 3.1 Update – Dashboard, Reports (Invoice, Quotes, Payments), Performance & Social Login

Posted by & filed under Ajax, CakePHP, CSS, Google, HTML5, Linkedin, MYSQL, PHP, Smart Invoice, Smart Invoice3, SQL, Twitter, Twitter Bootstrap.

Smart Invoice 3.1 has major improvement in the following area.

  1. Dashboard updated with D3.js visualization

    Now you can visually see how your business are performing over period of time (Day wise, Weekly, Monthly, All time, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, This & Last Month, This & Last Year & Custom date range) by using filter given on the top of page.

    Login email/ Password : munihappy


  2. Reports are added for Invoice, Quotes & Payments (PDF, CSV & Preview)

    For customized reports generation for Invoices, Quotes & Payments, We have added custom filtering options by date, Client, Company. So now we can able to see customized report for Invoice, Quotes & Payments in PDF, CSV & Preview format.

    Smart Invoice 3 Invoice, Quotes & Payments Reports (PDF, CSV)

  3. Performance & Build System Improved

    Smart Invoice 3 performance has been improved drastically. New build system for CSS and JS are built using GulpJS.

    Smart Invoice 3 Optimization

  4. Social login & registration implemented.

    Social login & registration using Facebook, Google, Linkedin & Twitter has been added to Smart Invoice 3 for easy login and registration.

    Smart Invoice 3 Social Login - Facebook, Google, Linkedin & Twitter


    Note: Guys who bought Smart Invoice 3 Professional already, Please pay 20 USD to get this new update.

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If you want any of my script need to be customized according to your business requirement,

Please feel free to contact me [at] muni2explore[at]

Note: But it will be charged based on your customization requirement

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