Remove Category from URL in WordPress site

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Well formatted  post  URL in your WordPress site greatly increases your site visibility to the search engine as well you optimizing the site URL in the great way to increase traffic to your site.

Remove category from URL in the wordpress site

Remove category from URL in the wordpress site

By default  WordPress installation adds category before the category name when you browse through category. For example if you have category name called PHP when you browse through category by default WordPress adds word category in the URL like

The word category in the above URL is useless, as well it decreases your WordPress site visibility to the search engine. The keywords in the URL is too powerful that increases your site traffic in great way, so it’s bad idea to have word like category  in the URL without any use.

Here is the great plugin in found to optimize your site URL in the great way that avoids useless words like category in the URL WP No Category Base

The WP No category Base Plugin formats the above like one shown in the below

So having exact and absolute keywords in the URL is the one of the great SEO technique..

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