Email Address Validation in HTML5

Posted by & filed under HTML5, PHP.

It was quite tedious to validate an email in HTML 4. It requires some external Java script to validate particular field. Here you will see some magics in HTML 5 to validate an email it’s doesn’t require external java script and it validate by itself without extra code.

html5 email validation

Email Address Validation in HTML5

Note : Following code only works in HTML 5 supported browsers like Safari 5, Google Chrome 6, Mozilla Firefox 4, Opera 10 and higher versions of browsers.

Note : Lower versions of browsers will treat that email filed in the HTML 5 as normal text field.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

<title>Email validation in HTML5</title>


  <input type="email" placeholder="">
  <input type="submit">





Enter E-mail address to test :



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