How to Install XAMPP Server in Windows

Posted by & filed under APACHE SERVER, PHP.

Follow simple steps to configure xampp (localhost server) in your machine to start your php development.Step 1: Download latest version XAMPP from the Apache foundation website.
How to install xampp

download installer package from following Apache foundation website.

 Step 2: Start your XAMPP installation using XAMPP installer you downloaded from the website.

How to install XAMPP on Window
Then follow default configuration settings of the XAMPP installer. Choose destination folder where you want save localhost files on your machine. 

Step 3 : Then click on Next to continue, you get following screen where you need to select all XAMPP services 

Step 4: After checking all the services, click on the install to continue you will following screen.

Click on Finish button to complete your installation. Finally you will get following successfully created screen where you need select YES to start your XAMPP control panel.

Step 5: Below picture shows the sample XAMPP control panel.

In the above picture Apache and FileZila service started but Mysql service not started yet. If you want to start php development with MySQL you need start MySql service in the XAMPP control panel.

To start your MySql service check Svc checkbox and press start button to start MySql services.

If any of the service not started even after you pressed start button, close XAMPP control panel and restart control panel once again.

If still problem persists check some other localhost you installed on your PC. IF want to run both the localhost on the same PC refer my previous tutorial on How to Run Apache and IIS On the Same Machine.


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