How to create a unique wedding invitation online?

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If you are Jack & spouse is Rose. How about having an online invitation like Wouldn’t you be interested in having a unique wedding invitation like that? Read more to find out how

There are many services available online to create wedding invitations online, but creating something impressive takes time and effort.

If you have all the time in the world you can just craft one perfectly yourself, else you need assistance.

Everyone sends an invitation to mobile devices nowadays. Mobile device has evolved so much in recent years, but do you think e-invitations evolved?

All invitations you receive are usually an image or link in Whatsapp. If it’s an image it contains details written in the text which are hard to read.
If its link, it’s is usually large to remember.

How about having an invitation like Wouldn’t it be easy?

Social share invitation preview

Don’t you think it will be unique?

But who has the time to do all the work involved? Services like come as a rescue for you who needs to do something unique.

They collect only a few details to make a complete wedding website & a unique online wedding invitation for you in minutes.

Yes, it’s possible.

We know people are so terrible at remembering the dates, that’s why they have smartphones. So let us send them smart invitations

How an invitation can be smart?

First, it can be smart enough to sit just in the device home screen without the need for any installation.

Smart wedding invitation

Now when your invitee opens it, it opens your invitation with a quick access menu at the bottom.

Mobile Wedding Invitation

It has Add to Calendar button, remember it’s a smartphone with built-in calendar and maps.

He can just add the event to the calendar and their device takes care of reminding him of the event a day before the event.

Now he gets a reminder about your event & he decides to drive to your event venue, he has your invite saved on his home screen, he can just open it and click “Get Directions”

It will get him the driving directions to the venue in his maps application.

Also your invitee can just RSVP to let you know that he isn’t coming.

Don’t you think it’s smart? It saves you & your invitees a lot of time. It’s convenience.

Now imagine you sent a traditional printed invitation or an image that has the venue details.

It’s a human tendency to forget the date & even if remembered, he has to search for the venue or to give you a call for the directions. All these hassles are taken away when you send a smart invitation.

How easy it is to create such a unique wedding invitation?

Minimum details required to create online invitation

These are the minimum details that are required to build an awesome invitation for you.

Now it’s time to do something even more.

You see you just build a brand online with a unique name like Let’s use it to spread your love story.

1. Attach Pre & Post Wedding Photoshoots

Attach pictures to your invite (wedding website now), so that it tells a story of your love to the world. After the wedding, it becomes a wedding picture gallery for every one of your guests. Update your pictures any number of times in a year. Upload up to 500 pictures from any device. It works even on a smart TV.

2. Write your love story in words

We believe you have a fantastic story to tell the world about your journey together till the wedding, express yourself in your own words. The world wants to hear.

Build your wedding brand by attaching pictures and videos

3. Attach your favorite videos

The adventure you did together recorded on your vacation? Attach the video to the invitation (or) attach any of your favorite video together (or) Just record a video from your phone camera & speak to your guests. It plays to everyone from within invitation in full screen.

4. Attach the YouTube live stream of the event.

Not every one of the loved ones can attend the event in person. If you are one of the few people who host it online, just attach it to your invite.

Get Invitation QR code.

It’ time to make it even easier for people who see your invitation online.

QR code for your invitation

Scanning this QR code on mobile makes your name to display on the mobile screen such as

Did we say that the invitation works in all devices that have a browser? It even works on a smart TV.

Create Invitation Now

It’s free, You don’t need to give your email/phone to use our services ever. You can just choose to be anonymous.

You’ll get an invite key once your invitation is made which can be used to login (or) A unique link is assigned to your account which can be bookmarked to your device home screen for easy access.

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