GST Ready Invoice Software For Small Bussiness

Posted by & filed under Ajax, CakePHP, CSS, HTML5, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, MYSQL, PHP, Smart Invoice, SQL, Twitter Bootstrap.

With this new release of Smart Invoice Version 3 has following new features are integrated.

Smart Invoice V3 New Features

  1. GST taxes for state and Central Government are integrated in both Invoice and Quotes sections.
  2. Forget password with mailing functionality added
  3. Remember functionality is added
  4. Also GST enable and disable switches are added in the settings
  5. This new releases have some bugs fixes.
  6. We have enabled logo PDF.

GST ready invoice software small and medium business

Login email/ Password : munihappy



Note: Those who are already purchased this version Smart Invoice v3. You will get updated script at free of cost, please mail me I will send you the updated download script.

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If you want any of my script need to be customized according to your business requirement,

Please feel free to contact me [at] muni2explore[at]

Note: But it will be charged based on your customization requirement

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