Get Android App Branded for Your Blog & Instantly Boost Your Blog Net Worth

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Nowadays getting genuine traffic to our blog is directly related to brand value of the blog. Apart from having a real great content, there are some cost effective techniques that can be followed to tremendously increase the brand value of your blog instantly. Having a dedicated Android App specifically branded for your blog can increase the brand value of your blog and its net worth both in terms of SEO and users trust.  Google gives preference to the blogs which offers android app along with certain other points listed below.

These are must to do to increase the brand value of the blog which in turn brings in real visitors from Google, which in turn can convert to customers.

1. Having native android app uploaded to play store and have a source link of the app linked back to your blog.

Get SmartTutorials Android App From App Store

Link to blog on google play store SmartTutorials_Playstore_link

2. Having a native chrome extension to the blog and have a developer link of the extension linked back to your blog.

3.Having a dedicated YouTube channel to your blog and posting the updates and tutorial videos into it regularly

4. Having social media pages on Facebook, Google, Twitter

5. Bring user interaction inside of your blog post, like making the visitor


The key here is to convert a visitor to reader and eventually a reader to a customer. 

To make it possible we should first have an android app and Let a visitor install your android app (or) chrome extension. These two are very powerful sources of making a visitor to reader. Google also ranks your blog higher than your competitors who doesn’t have an android app or chrome extension.

From Search Engine Point of View

Once the number of installs of your android app and chrome extension keeps on increasing, Google knows that this blog have good content and people are interested in the android app and hence it a good SEO or a marketing equivalent to thousands of dollars.

Having an android app branded to your blog and having “install from play store” link to every page of your blog increase your blogs brand value accross platforms and hence a good sign of SEO.


Further From the user point of view.

A user who installs your android app have a live feed of your blog on his mobile device. Whenever you publish a new post, a push notification will be sent to his mobile device stating that he have posts pending to read. This tremendously increase the readership of your blog posts.

The notification also have a small number displaying number of posts that is left unread by the user since his last visit.


Users trust the content of the blog, hence the products or services you deliver through your blog if you have a native android app.

Also openly displaying the number of installs that happened on your android application increases the net-worth of your blog

“10,000 awesome users of our android app simply can’t go wrong”

If an visitor reads the above message from your blog, it’s more powerful than it sounds. Because the statement have a tangible proof on the play store showing the number of users using your app, just like feed-burner subscribers.

Now a visitor trust your blog, and so does the services you offer or about the content you write. He will eventually will become your customer.


An android app can that costs as little as $100 USD once in a life time fee, will make average sales of your product or services over thousands of dollars in a month.

You simply cannot second guess making this small investment which will tremendously increase the return on investment over time to your marketing dollars that is literally spent in thousands on your Ad-words Campaigns or Facebook marketing campaigns.


Now just make a small investment, Make a permanent entry to the world of android

Get Branded Android App for Just $99 


Here is the list of  features You will get in this $99

  • A completely branded android app with your logo & branding.

  • An app home that displays your blog posts

  • Upload the application to Google play store and give you a permanent link to your blog under developer section

  • A direct install link to your app, which you can use on your blog or any marketing email.



Screenshots of your branded android app.


Home-pagge-with-optional-about-page Home-screen-customizable Live-Feed-Of-your-posts Your-branded-icon-on-users-home-screen


Direct Link to Play store

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