Free VueJS Responsive Admin Template Using Bootstrap 4, HMTL5, CSS3

Posted by & filed under CSS, HTML5, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, VueJS, VueJs 2.

Free VueJS Responsive Admin Template Using Bootstrap 4, HMTL5, CSS3

In previous tutorial I have released Free Responsive Admin Template Using Bootstrap 4, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery. In this tutorial I have converted that Free Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template into Free VueJS Admin Template. Let discuss about the list features this Free VueJS 2 Admin Panel has in it.

Also check this Free admin template on another libaries like VueJs, React and etc.

Overview of Course:

This Free Responsive VueJS Admin Template Using Bootstrap 4, HTML5, CSS3 consists of following pages. This Free Admin Template Charts, Datatables & World Map are using external plugin. I write separate tutorial on how to integrate external plugins like Datatables, jVectorMap, Chartist.js and etc in VueJs Application.


Dashboard charts are built using CHARTIST.JS, Planning to release tutorial on How to integrate CHARTIST.JS with VueJS application.

Once you downloaded the Free Smart VueJs Admin Template follow the below steps to do development or generate build for production.

You must have NodeJS installed in your system. Check this Video tutorial on How to Install NodeJS In Mac/Ubuntu/Windows in 5 Minutes.

VueJs uses Webpack for build, so need to install webpack and necessary npm packages, before going to do anything.

  1. Extract downloaded Free VueJs 2 Admin Template
  2. Open your command line terminal and go extracted folder.
  3. Next install required npm packages by running following commands.
    npm install
  4. This VueJs admin template developed using Vue-Cli, So you must install Vue-Cli globally.
    npm install -g @vue/cli
  5. To development or customization in template run the following command.
    npm run serve
  6. To generate production build run the following command.
    npm run build

Check this video tutorial where I explained how to download and customize this Free VueJs Smart Admin Template

World Map:

World Map helps you to show your business presence around world. It completely responsive, and it is build with jVectorMap. Let me know if you guys need any help in integration.

Responsive Login & Registration:

This Free Responsive VueJS Admin template has responsive Login, Registration & Forget Password page.

Responsive VueJS Charts:

Free VueJs responsive Charts helps you to show your business performance visually to business partners. This VueJS Charts are built using CHART.JS ..

Responsive VueJS Form:

This VueJS responsive form are built using Bootstrap 4. It has different variety of form like normal, horizontal and full page form.

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