Facebook Timeline Moviemaker….

Posted by & filed under FACEBOOK.

Here is one of the nice app on facebook to make your own movie using your photos in the timeline your uploaded. The app is Timeline Moviemaker that supports making a movie for Pages!….

facebook timeline movie maker tutorial

Facebook timeline movie maker

Step 1. Go to http://www.timelinemoviemaker.com/ website.
Step 2. Click “Make a movie for your Facebook Page”
Step 3. Authenticate with the application through the standard Facebook Authentication.
Step 4. A dialog will come up asking them to select which Facebook Page they would like to make a movie for. Select the Page and then click the blue “Make Movie” button.
Step 5. The Movie will generate over the course of 30-60 seconds. It will play. Afterwards, the admin can select and replace different photos through the editor.
Step 6. Click “Save Changes”
Step7. The movie will replay, and then the admin can share the video to their Page via the “Share” button that appears on top of the video..

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