Brilliant tips to deliver superb website with video background

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I remember that I cried when I watched the award winning movie Interstellar and it was not only me but also my fellows sitting around me sobbed too.


Without any doubt videos or moving pictures do have high empathizing factor and thus have more capacity to entice the audience. Any brand  advertisement by our ravishing Kim Kadarshian breaks all the sales record, although the lady is the factor, but video also plays a crucial role in working on the customers psychology.
How can information technology  be far behind!
2015 came up with some interesting design trends which were focused to attract audiences. This might be the result of this cut throat competition that business developers are coming with several luminary ideas in order to sell differently. This time this trends has nailed it !
The inspiration might be the popularity and the entrainment factor of the online videos or movies. This is the reason why video backgrounds were welcomed with both arms wide open. The two major benefit of videos are that they consume very less time and they convey the message in a highly interactive manner.
Though websites have till now adopted videos , you never know when will you see Bradely Cooper or Rihanna selling  web services .

However, videos on websites were incorporated not just as marketing gimmick, but there is a very cogent reason behind the same. The reason is to deliver all in very short time and to enhance what the seller needs to convey. In this blog we will discuss some important tips that you need to remember while adding video on your website’s background . Let’s discuss!

Mute background


The user who is opening your website is oblivious about your website. Thus, the users might get irritated if you will keep the volume high of your website. So, keeping the volume of videos on mute by default is the best option. Perhaps this does not imply that the videos will not comprise of any volume. You can give users the facility to unmute and listen to the voice.

Video length matters


Adding video is certainly a very innovative idea which every business owner can utilize, but one thing which should be kept in mind is that the they need to keep the length of the video short. The video can restart after it’s over. However, really short duration of repetition might irritate the audience and extra long video sequences will hamper the loading time. Though this might vary from case to case, but a video of 20 –25 seconds will be best for all kind of businesses.

Design that fits all

Video is certainly the hot trend, but it is realized that this is not supported by all the devices and browsers. This means that users who access net via any devices such as tablets, smartphones or browsers , won’t be able to access your website as you wish to deliver. This will completely tarnish the image of your website as your website will appear as a blank page. In order to save yourself from this embarrassment you need to go for a rigorous testing stratergy in order to ensure that your videos are working properly , else you can also provide static image as a background for such conditions.

If a devices supports videos of all formats doesn’t means that this it will function automatically.
High resolution videos on devices running on low band width will lead to slow performance and poor user experience. To make your website with a video background look good on all the devices you need to putin strenuous testing efforts. Further, you also need to deliver high quality video without losing the loading time.

Use contrasting colors

Talking about the style and color of the video, we must use contrasting colors for the video and the page text. One can simply say that if you have filmed the video on light shades then you need to use dark color text or if the video is darker use text with light colors. This color scheme helps if the video comprises of simple colors.
For example you can visit Coulee Creative, they use the color scheme with ease.

Do not bother much about video length!

Using full background screen videos is definitely in fashion but this do not implies that the size has become a standard. Further, limiting the video to a smaller height section will be considered as a good move. BKWLD ingeniously uses video of partial height in their web site to deliver the message to the clients and also stay with technical standards.

Here all the video content is very clear and perfectly fits in the layout. Here it is nothing to worry about the text and the design also flows in a streamline motion. I believe that using full length videos will be following a stereotypical pattern. Wherein, technology always demands something better and innovative. Moreover, videos were designed to deliver your website’s aim, not to just to fascinate the users. Thus, you need to know that they should convey the meaning of your website and this requires no particular standard size. Videos of any size which are visible from human eye will be best and all what is required. Background videos are certainly the trend but this doesn’t mean that one needs to copy the trend as it is like a copy cat. Thus, in order to prove to be leader you can certainly adopt a trend with your own twists and tweaks rather than just adopting it.

Every thing comes with a cost!

Though, it is a very fancy technique but a poor video performance can hamper the complete website. The performance of video is unbridled at times thus one needs to be know how to tackle this very efficiently. Thus, you need to employ proficient developers in order to deal with this.

How can we help!
We aim to lead not follow and thus we can help you to find an edge in the competition using our technical expertise and experience.

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Author Bio:

Victoria Brinsley is a Android app developer for Appsted Ltd – a reputed Android application development company. In case, you are willing to avail a detailed information on the same, get in touch.



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